Wheelchair Turbo Touch a roaring success

Turbo Touch Sep 2020

Turbo Touch demonstrated why it's the sport to love after successfully running a fully inclusive Turbo Touch event which included Wheelchair Turbo Touch. Thanks to the combined efforts of Touch NZ and Parafed Northland, a Northland Secondary Schools Turbo Touch event, that was entirely inclusive, was held during term three.

Wheelchair Turbo Touch was offered alongside the annual Year 9 & 10 event held in the McKay Stadium. Students from Years 9 to 13 were involved in the teams making up the wheelchair division. The tournament was a natural progression following an educational process, by Touch NZ in some Northland Secondary Schools, that focused not so much on the game of Turbo Touch but on the possibility that playing sport can still occur despite being in a wheelchair.

Touch NZ Northland Team Leader, Steven Beazley said, “It was an awesome opportunity to collaborate with Parafed Northland and to showcase an inclusive day for all to be involved in sport. The smiles on the faces of students speaks for itself. For me living with an impairment as an amputee, it has given me a chance to give back to sport while creating new opportunities for all abilities.

Turbo Touch has provided an opportunity for inclusivity to all our rangatahi in Northland. The awareness of an adaptable sport for all, while all on a level playing field. A special mention to our supporters and partners Parafed Northland, Halberg Foundation, Foundation North & Sport Northland for making this event possible.

Article added: Friday 04 December 2020


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