Touch New Zealand (TNZ) in conjunction with the five Premier Touch League
Franchisees have made the difficult decision to postpone the 2021 competition until
the beginning of 2022.
This decision follows the recent Covid-19 alert level changes throughout the country
and there being no clear indication of when a safe return to play will be possible.
Following a meeting held with relevant stakeholders, it was deemed the best course
of action to postpone the series, to allow players, Coaches and Managers some
certainty and direction moving forward.
TNZ CEO Joe Sprangers expressed his thanks to the Franchisees, venues and
suppliers for their supportive approach to working through this matter.
“We are committed to providing a playing opportunity for these athletes and will do
everything possible to have this series go ahead. The difficult decision to postpone
during the current window was the first step in ensuring its success.”
Ongoing discussions will now be held to establish the best window within the 2022
calendar with the decision to be announced in due course.
Article added: Friday 08 October 2021